Headstone Cleaning and Restoration

Watson Memorials provides a professional cleaning and restoration service for all styles of Headstones, Memorials and Gravestones.

Illustration of a headstone that has been half cleaned.

Cleaning and Restoration of Headstones

Headstones, Memorials and Gravestones of all styles are exposed to many elements that can cause a deterioration in, or appear on the surface of the material.

Patience is always the most important part of restoration at Watson Memorials, whenever possible we will look to reproduce the original look and feel of the memorial.

Cleaning Marble Memorials

Marble memorials become dark over time with the build up of algae and other deposits from natural weathering. This can be cleaned in a number of ways, and it is worth considering the customers budget for the works and timescale to have the work completed.

Illustration of a headstone that has been half cleaned.
For more information on our cleaning services, contact us.

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